BECC 2012 Poster Listing
Claudia Barriga, UC Davis Western Cooling Efficiency Center. Attitudes Towards Air Conditioners and Maintenance: When AC Is Not Cool Enough
Nikolaj Blichfeldt, University of Copenhagen. Low-Carbon Life with Chinese Characteristics
Kurt Borth, University of Alberta. Investigation into Motivation and Rationale behind Varying Levels of Household Location Efficiency
Erin Cawley-Morse, Colehour+Cohen. The National Building Competition: Working Off the Waste with ENERGY STAR®
Regina Clewlow, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The Impact of Environmental Attitudes on Intercity Travel Choice in China
Sean Co, MTC. Quantifying How Transportation Investments Change Bicycle and Pedestrian Behavior in Public Health
Ryan Daley, National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Driving Impact within Federal Vehicle Fueling Behavior
Doris Do, The Energy Coalition. Energy Champions Pilot - Energy Upgrade California in LA County
Carol Edwards, Southern California Edison. Beyond Extrinsic Motivators: Applying Alternative Theories of Motivation to Understanding Customer Behavior
Binet Guillaume, EDF R&D. The Obligation of a Grid Aggregator to Reduce Power Demand: Which Strategies Exist for Adapting Appliance Use During Peak Power Demand?
Nina Hall, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation. Creating Energy Behavior Change in Low-Income Households
Kristin Heinemeier, UC Davis - WCEC. Technicians in the Wild: An Observation Study of HVAC Technicians Practices
Huafen Hu, Portland State University. Why Misrepresenting Behavior Matters: The Case of Modeling Home Energy Retrofits
Jonathan Ilderton, Energy Outreach Colorado. Occupant Engagement: How to Foster a Culture of Conservation in Non-Profit Buildings
Kathryn Janda, University of Oxford. Building Communities: Organizational Culture, Energy-Efficiency Adoption, and Occupant Behaviour in Commercial Property
Amatsia Kashti, Oxford Data Management Ltd. Is Smart Grid Really Smart?
Aaiysha Khursheed, Itron, Inc.. How SCE’s Smart Meter DSM Programs Lead to Smart Energy Behavior
J. Kolter, MIT. Protocol for Developing High Resolution Energy Disaggregation: The Reference Energy Disaggregation Data (REDD)
Kyle Konis, Portland State University. A Mobile-based Platform for Measuring Indoor Environmental Quality in Commercial Buildings
Danielle Lauber, Alliance to Save Energy. Residence Hall Water Battle Competition
Susan Ledlow, Arizona State University. Lessons Learned from a Field Experiment on Energy Feedback Devices
Geoff Morrison, UC Davis. Peer Influence on Energy Use in the U.S. Military: A Commuting Case Study
Samantha Neufeld, Arizona State University - Global Institute of Sustainability. Commercial Upgrade Programs: Which Businesses Participate? – Part II
Olivia Patterson, Opinion Dynamics Corporation. Push Me– Pull You – Fostering Emerging Technology Innovation to Move the Energy Efficiency Market
Michael Ranney, University of California, Berkeley. Enhancing Global Warming Understanding and Acceptance with Veridical Statistics and Mechanistic Information
Daniel Reaves, Colorado State University. Increasing Energy Conservation Behaviors in Residents of Affordable Housing: An Application of CBSM
Ari Reeves, D&R International, Ltd.. Behavioral Science Will Help You and Is Easy to Use
Ilse Ruiz-Mercado, University of California Berkeley. Behavioral Dimensions in the Adoption and Impacts of Cookstoves Disseminated in Rural Households
Lisa Schmidt, High Energy Audits. Energy Upgrade Mountain View: An Innovative Web-based Residential Energy Efficiency Program
Greg Searle, Bioregional North America. “Persuasion Design”, EcoConcierges, and Operating Tactics to Reduce Occupant Carbon Footprint in Multifamily Buildings.
Hossein Shahrokni, Industrial Ecology, Royal Institute of Technology. Data-driven behavior change in a Smart City - Stockholm Royal Seaport
Sophie Simpson, Heriot-Watt University. A Discussion of the Effectiveness of Online Tools to Educate Homeowners on Reducing CO2 Emissions
Nicole Sintov, USC for Rebecca Ford, University of Otago. Examining the Effects of Display Presentation on Energy Feedback
Brian Southwell, RTI International. Energy Information Sharing in Social Networks: The Roles of Objective Knowledge and Perceived Understanding
Mersiha Spahic, Portland State University and Research Into Action. Revisiting Attitude-Behavior Interactions: A Longitudinal Perspective
James Stewart, The Cadmus Group. The Diffusion of Energy Efficiency Measures between Homes
Carol Suhan, FortisBC. Rossland Energy Diet - How a Town Became More Energy Efficient
David Sumi, The Cadmus Group. Why Evaluation Should Perform Random Assignment for Behavioral Programs - And What Evaluators Must Do If Treatment and Control Group Assignments are Done by Others
Mark Symmons, Monash University. A Critical Review of Ecodrive Training: Promise vs Reality
Jennifer Tabanico, Action Research. Computer Power Management by Municipal Employees: A Multi-Agency Community-Based Social Marketing Pilot
Jennifer Tabanico, Action Research. From Boston to Berkeley: USDN’s Multi-City Community-Based Social Marketing Pilots focused on Household and Municipal Employee Energy Use
John Taylor, Virginia Tech. A Novel System for Detecting and Analyzing the Interplay Between Real-Time Energy Consumption Feedback and Social, Hierarchical, and Geo-Spatial Networks in a Commercial Setting
Jason Trager, UC Berkeley. STEEP Optimization for Distributed Intelligent Automated Demand Response
Timothy Treadwell, Energy Center. Plugging In: Exploring the Behavior of Early EV Adopters in California
Peter Yolles, WaterSmart Software. Applying Social Norms to Saving Water: Initial Results from WaterSmart Software
Johannes Zachrisson Daae, The Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Selecting Behavior Changing Design Principles