Sponsorship Details
Standard Sponsorships
- We will feature all Corporate Sponsors on a dedicated sponsors’ thank-you page on the website and the SocioApp social networking platform.
- Sponsor names will scroll during non-session times on the app desktop.
- Names will be shown in sizes corresponding to the level of sponsorship.
Waived Registrations: The number of waived registrations corresponds to the level of sponsorship.
Promotion during our BECC free monthly webinars: Show that you support free information for the BECC community. Each free webinar produced by BECC features a sponsor slide at the start of the webinar. The moderator will verbally acknowledge the sponsor’s role in supporting our open events.
Linked logo on BECC website: Make sure people know about your work in the behavioral sciences. On our website, we’ll put a link to your logo that drops a visitor to your custom-designed sponsor’s page listing.
Exclusive co-branding of one BECC email: One general conference email created by the BECC planning team will include your company name as an Executive Leader of the BECC 2020 conference.
Access to attendee list (not emails) before the conference: Depending on your sponsorship level, BECC will send you a weekly update of attendees. For example, at the Executive Leader level, you will receive the list 30 calendar days in advance of the conference start. The list will not include email addresses.
30-second ad post-plenary recognizing Executive Leadership: You may create, record, and run a 30-second message to attendees to be shown following the general plenary session.
Custom Sponsorships
Recognition will show on the program schedule and the dedicated conference sponsors thank-you page. This sponsorship does not include any waived registrations.
Conference virtual technology sponsor: Exclusive. The technology sponsorship covers the cost of our social networking app (SocioApp) and Zoom webinar and meeting rooms. At minimum, your name will appear on the opening splash page. At least once each day, a message will run to thank the technology sponsor.
90 second welcome at opening session: Exclusive. Be part of the opening ceremony! You can record or deliver live a 90-second “welcome to the first virtual BECC conference” message that will air at the start of the first plenary session. Your company’s name will appear as the event sponsor on the program schedule. For example, “Sponsored by xxx.” Acknowledgment of your company at the opening and closing of the session.
Run a survey during the conference: What’s up? Find out with this option. Using the conference app, you can conduct one short (limited to 10 questions) branded survey/poll during either a specific session or at a specific time.
60-second closing remark: Exclusive. You can record or deliver live a 60-second message thanking people for attending the first virtual BECC conference. Added to the session title will be “Sponsored by xxx.” Acknowledgment of your company at the opening and closing of the session.
Sponsor students: A student may be your next hire! Get to know them at BECC. Sponsor up to 10 students. Attend the exclusive virtual student meeting and have 60 seconds to introduce your company. You can “meet the students” before the conference starts using their resume contact information.
Sponsor one student: Know a student you think should be at this event? Sponsor the student. Contact the student in advance of the conference and talk with them about which sessions might be best for them to attend. You can also join them as they attend the virtual student meeting.
Plenary session sponsor: Limited to two per plenary session. Have your name associated with a topical area. We have 18 abstract recruiting topics. Select an area, for example, transportation, and we will feature you as a transportation panel host. Except for the opening and closing sessions, you may sponsor any plenary session. Added to the session title will be “Sponsored by.” The moderator will acknowledge your contribution at the opening and closing of the session.
Film Festival: Exclusive Leave them laughing, refreshed and full of new ideas with our film festival. We will offer a one-hour fun film festival (as is our tradition) of light-hearted and educational film clips. The sponsor may open the session with a live or recorded three-minute welcome to the festival. Added to the festival title will be “Sponsored by xxx.” The moderator acknowledges your company’s role at the opening and closing of the session.
Regular concurrent panel or lightning session: Exclusive to a single session. Have your name associated with a lightning or panel discussion topical area. Select from 18 topics. For example, if your work centers on social equity issues, you can request a social equity session. Once final submissions are posted, if you feel that the session is not appropriate for you, you can ask to move to a different session. The session will feature your name as “Sponsored by xxx.” Acknowledgment of your company at the opening and closing of the session.
Run a branded workshop: You may propose to run a workshop of 2 1/2 hours duration either before or after the conference. The BECC planning team must approve this workshop. We will promote the workshop to conference attendees registered at the time of your workshop unless specific attendees have opted out of contact post-conference. You can use our Zoom platform or use your own.
Recommend and sponsor the registration of an equity-based non-profit organization. Do you work with an organization for whom registration fees are prohibitive or difficult to justify? Have you wanted to expose them to the work of BECC? Let’s get them to the conference this year. You can sponsor the attendance of up to 10 people from a company.
Process: The sponsor should nominate one to three different organizations. BECC will check to determine if this company has already registered people this year or last. If they have, the sponsor may wish to sponsor another company that has not yet had the chance to attend. The sponsor will extend the offer to the group and be a host to the company. We feature these sponsors as Non-Profit Equity Sponsors. We will run a banner that notes “We welcome XXXX to BECC.”
Exclusive poster session sponsor for one 15-minute time block, which includes three concurrent sessions: Following an hour-long session of three parallel panel or lightning sessions, there will be a 15-minute break-out session. During these break-out sessions, Snapshot authors, designated to a specific meeting room, will take questions about their Snapshot Projects from attendees. The session title will feature the sponsor’s name, indicating that they are sponsoring all the Snapshot sessions. Acknowledgment of your company at the opening and closing of the session as sponsoring three concurrent Project Snapshot sessions*.
Non-exclusive poster session sponsorship of 1 session: Added to the session title will be “Sponsored by xxx.” Acknowledgment of your company at the opening and closing of one Project Snapshot session.* The same as above, but the sponsor name will appear above just one session.
*Project Snapshots: New this year, we are offering Project Snapshots to take the place of our poster reception. This is an exciting change. A poster is, in effect, a “picture of a project.” So why not 5 pictures created via a PowerPoint slide deck? If the author wishes, they can record and add a verbal 2-minute description of the Snapshot poster deck. The author will create a pdf with the recording embedded, and we will list this on our website and in the virtual program agenda.
During the conference and the 15-minute breaks between sessions, a “Zoom Project Snapshots” link will be broadcast. Attendees can click into the session to talk with the authors.
Project Snapshots will be posted one month before the conference and will remain on the website for at least one year.